LANKALIST provides users both Australia and legitimate Sri Lankan businesses the opportunity to post Ads. However, as with any online marketplace there are terms and conditions that must be adhered too in order to protect the interest of both buyers and sellers.

Ads that do not comply with our Posting Rules and Terms of Use will be removed from the Site. LANKALIST reserves the right to remove any ad posted without warning. Any ads suspected of being spam or fraudulent intent will be removed from the site and payments (if any) will not be refunded.

The usage of LANKALIST is bound by the Posting Rules and Terms of Use. Failure to comply with any of the stipulated Posting Rules and Terms of Use may result in the suspension or termination of your account, and in some instances legal actions if required.


1. All products, material or services must be legal to sell/rent in Australia. Sellers must not post an ad of products, material or services that are regulated or prohibited by law.

2. Users must register only one account and not multiple accounts. Anyone found having more than one account or sharing an account will be removed and blocked from the Site.

3. Users must include a phone number and email address or website in the ad title for buyers to get in touch.

4. Upload only genuine photos of the products and service you offer. All non-compliant photos that are not legitimate or licenced will be removed from the Site.

5. Users must be over the age of 18 to be eligible to post ads on LANKALIST

6. Duplicate ads in more than one category will not be entertained and will be subjected and dealt with under the terms of use.

7. Users must refrain from posting ads in the wrong category or subcategory. LANKALIST reserve the right to remove such ads that are not correctly posted on their respective categories.

8. Users must not copy content posted by another User or publish content that infringes physical or intellectual property rights.

9. Ads promoting other classified marketplace sites or services similar to LANKALIST will be removed from the site and the user blocked.

10. Users are not allowed to promote a website or include any links on their ads (unless it’s a paid ad).

11. LANKALIST has a strict no policy on ads that promotes adult content. Any ads that found to be of adult content or service by nature will be removed from the site and the user blocked.

12. Users must not post ads relating to the following Products and/or Services:

a. Illegal and stolen property or items of any sort.
b. Dangerous goods that are illegal to sell/rent in Australia
c. Drugs or medical supplies.
d. Counterfeit goods, replicas, unauthorized copies.
e. Tobacco and alcohol.
f. Any item or service that requires the advertiser to be an exclusive and/or authorised third party seller of the item, such as branded clothes etc.

(this list is not exhaustive).

13. Ads related to the following material, products and/or service will not be accepted. Users must not post ads relating to the following Products and/or Services:

a. Adult content
b. Escort services
c. Hostess services
d. Adult videos
e. Ads seeking escort services
f. Ads seeking adult work

(this list is not exhaustive).

14. Users must not post ads in the Jobs category relating to the following Services:

a. Any job whose function is not clearly specified.
b. Adult jobs including escort services, hostess, adult webcam

(this list is not exhaustive)

15. By posting in the Pets category you agree to RSPCA laws. Users must not post ads relating to the following:

a. Exotic and endangered animals such as certain reptiles, birds etc (this list is not exhaustive); or
b. The transfer or offer of dogs under eight weeks of age.


LANKALIST will remove any ads that is prohibited by Australia law, placed in the wrong category/city or that contains vulgar/abusive content.

• Users are encouraged to report ads that break our Terms of Use.

• Users are encouraged to report all scams to LANKALIST.

Report Abuse / Scam

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